
It’s important to get a full body workout whenever you go to the gym rather than just specific muscle groups. This improves endurance while multiplying your training week by the number of days. While many people workout most of their muscle groups once a week, we at Defiance Fitness workout all our muscle groups as many as four times a week, giving us four times the results. We believe in training our muscles in multiple types of ways as well; anaerobic, aerobic, stretching and a combination of the three. This provides the appropriate stress to every level of the fast twitch(FG), slow twitch(SO), and a combination of the two; intermediate muscle fibers(FG) for endurance, speed, and strength. Using exercises that give us maximum performance, endurance, range of motion, and accuracy. While it’s important to monitor metrics during training and maintain the maximum performance you’re cappable of, there’s no reason not to push the envelope.

Many people talk about walking, running or jogging very leisurely but the average stride of the hairless desert proud ape is two and a half miles per hour(2.5mph) while the average female is two miles per hour(2mph) which means the females have to work harder. A walk is zero to four miles per hour(0<4mph), a jog is five to seven miles per hour(5-7mph) and a run is eight miles per hour(8+mph) or more. The bare MINIMUM for a male to run a mile is five minutes or twelve miles per hour, for a female it is six minutes or ten miles per hour getting the courtesy of being the weaker sex. The use of augmented calisthenics to improve performance and endurance through natural methods and hard work. It should never be easy to do these exercises or routines and if it is you need to add weight and quit showing off. It should always be hard, like we are on ourselves and in doing so it will make your muscles and your mind hard.

We practice the five finger method for sets and reps; generally doing five sets of twenty reps with the exception of the starter workout. When the blood is flowing and near exhaustion remembering what set you’re on can be difficult and the common practice is if you can’t remember you have to do it again. Using muscle memory for the sets skin contact or muscle tension is necessary;

  1. Put your index finger to your lips (shh)
  2. heavily outstretched arm with two fingers (peace)
  3. With three fingers, tap the back of your hand to your forehead (crown)
  4. Four down, one to go (thumbs up)
  5. Clap overhead

Starter Workout

The starter workout is important for people new to the gym as well as seasoned athletes due to the rigor of our workouts. In this its best to start with sets of five then ten until you can do twenty, taking short breaks between sets is completely normal but still do them all same day. Start the incline speed walking at fifteen percent and three miles per hour and simply move up in speed as you are capable until you reach six miles per hour for the duration, breaking into a jog around five miles per hour. With curling, start at a higher weight like twenty or forty pounds and simply spot yourself using your other arm.

  • 100 Cross-Trained Situps
  • 100 Regular Push-Ups
  • 100 Strict Curls (each arm)
  • 1hr Inclined Speed Walking
  • 20 45° Pull-ups
  • 20 45° Chin-ups
  • 20 45° Hammer Pull-ups

Performance Workout

The performance workout is our primary full body anaerobic workout and includes five hundred reps with a ten mile jog. This workout is designed around the way muscle fibers are created. This should be done in the order below to minimize strain. The incline run is not for people with a known or unknown heart condition so it’s important to know your limits and abilities or have someone there to do CPR the first time if you’re not sure. Monitoring your heart rate and keeping it below two hundred beats per minute consistently will lower your risk of complications, peaking may occur above that. When doing the forty five degree exercises a chair can be used and simply push it further away as you are able. Cross-trained sit-ups are just like regular sit-ups only you touch your right elbow to your left knee, right elbow to right knee, then left elbow to right knee.

  • 100 Push-Ups
  • 100 Inverted Cross-Trained Sit-Ups
  • 10mi 15% Incline Jog
  • 100 Chin-Ups
  • 100 Pull-Ups
  • 100 Hammer Pull-ups

Accuracy Workout

The Accuracy workout is our primary full body aerobic workout. Doing it in the order below is best, as always, for peak performance. For the weighted hulahoop fifteen hundred clockwise and fifteen hundred counter clockwise. When it comes to flat running most people have difficulty so it’s recommended that this workout is started once six miles per hour on the performance workout becomes comfortable, even easy… Then start doing all the workouts with the exception of the starter in the same week. Start flat running at a minimum of ten miles per hour if needed and work your way up, increasing speed as it becomes comfortable or easy. When starting flat running or even after a break, feel free to run for twenty seconds and then push yourself up on your arms using the rails. It may look ridiculous but there will be plenty of time for showing off in the gym later. Your body will not notice the difference between twenty seconds of running done one hundred and eighty times or a consistent sixty minute ten mile run, and consistency will come in time.

  • 3000 Weighted Hulahoop
  • 10mi Flat Run
  • 500 Jump Ropes
  • 200+ Boxing Punches

Ascetic Workout

The ascetic workout is a three to five hour continuous workout. Breaks, other than a drink of water or the zombie blood rush, are not allowed. You can start on any exercise below and max out, then simply move to the next machine and do the same, continuously moving between machines and maxing out. Remember to keep your arms out slightly when doing the umbrella squats so as not to use your weight rather than muscle. A Smith machine and medium weight is recommended for the hip thrusts, causing it to be more aerobic and allowing for pushing all the way to your tip toes, making your ankles ripped too. With the lunging chest presses, keep your chin up to support core reactions that remove that double chin and workout the neck.

  • Hip Thrusts
  • Lunging Chest Presses
  • Back Extentions
  • Umbrella Squats

Range Workout

The range workout is a combination of athletic, ballet, and yoga stretching. While we at Defiance Fitness don’t stretch before exercising, we still need to at least once a month. Tighter muscles are stronger muscles and overstretching reduces muscle growth. However, as with the pull-ups, if you don’t stretch once a month at the minimum, turning your head will become difficult.

  • Ballet bar work leg stretches
  • Spinal Twists
  • Heal to Butt stretches
  • Touch your toes
  • Touch your outside ankle
  • Downward dog
  • Upward facing dog

Tips and Tricks

Fat Targeting

Fat targeting a specific spot or bag is done through progressive overload. If you have fat at the top back of your thighs making your butt indistinguishable from your legs, you can use progressive overload on back extentions reducing that chubby area very rapidly. Progressive overload consists of using a high weight and maxing out, then lowering the weight and maxing out, continuing until maxing out with nearly no weight and repeating.

Good Posture

Good posture is essential; sit up straight, hold your head up, don’t slouch as your mother used to say; are just the beginning. Another way is to support your stomach muscles; start by flexing your stomach, now relax the muscles but hold them in the same position without sucking in your stomach. That’s where they should always be! It has been shown that the alignment of your organs is different in regard to obesity and their functionality is also impacted.

Walking Straight

Many larger people do whats’ known as duck walking, start pointing your toes straight forward when walking. This will build the muscles in your shins that have been in dire need of exercise. It will also help align your hips and the rest of your skeletal structure, which if losing body fat is almost a requirement as bones move closer together and start making noise. Going from duck walking to straight walking should provide moderate exercise to the shins.

Breathing Practices

While many medical practices recommend the pushing out force strength training using a ball, capacity breath training improves performance. Breathe in as deeply as you can, then more, shortening your breath until absolutely no more air can be breathed in, then tighten your chest and hold it in for a bit but not as long as possible. Now breathe out as much as absolutely posible until your begin coughing. Doing this several times at the end of the night will improve aerobic performance the next day.

Sprains and Strains

We always use Watkins linemint at Defiance Fitness because old men who didn’t have a doctor and worked themselves to the bone recommend it. Simply work around small sprains and strains in our workouts and walk it off when posible. Dont ever push an injury that could lead to something serious or further injury as thats like cheating to take an extended break. Normally sprains and strains only come from screwing around outside the gym, but thats half the fun of being in good shape.

Be hard on yourself and easy on others.

Carry your own cross but never lay one on the back of another.

A.Z. Tozer, Man: The Dwelling Place of God